Pets of then and Now

Sometime, back in the dim days of my early childhood back in Australia we apparently owned a black Lab called Lucy who was then my bestest friend but in all truth I cannot recall her at all - there exists a single photo of me and her. She was known as Lucy loose-tubes - apparently a rather good litter bearer.

I recall a few mice, many goldfish and tropical fish but my best memories are cats - two in fact.


One day I found him on the couch and he was definitely in a bad way. We took him to the vet - he had apparently suffered a big blow to the head (or a stroke) and wasn't given much a chance. He could do little more than wander around in tight right hand circles. Days later he started going around in left hand circles then appeared the get better. At home he began to play and bounce around as if a kitten (he was about 1 4-16 at this stage). This happened for about 6 more months until one day he just never turned up again. Kitty had gone and I was devestated.

Tabatha (Pic)

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Updated August 9th, 2000